Posts Tagged ‘phraseology’
Read you 5 – Handshakes, Courtesy and Brevity
In my previous article Is this on? I gave a short intro about what this blog series will be about, so let’s not waste any time and start with a delicious topic: shakes!
Got you interested there, didn’t I? more »
Read you 5 – Is this on? One-two-tree?
Hello Aviation World,
My name is SentryRaven and I am going to take you on a trip along radio phraseology and its benefits. Many of our questions on Aviation.SE deal with radio transmissions, be it questions about terms such as in What is our Vector, Victor? or legal questions such as Is it legal for Joe Public to listen to ATC in the UK?. Maybe it’s time to take you into the depths of radio telephony and phraseology – one of the most mysterious things of aviation. Being based in Germany, Europe, bear with me if I refer to documents that pertain to my neck of the woods, such as the AIP Germany – GEN 3.4: Communication Services. How to get it? EAD EUROCONTROL provides a website where EASA member countries can submit their documents, such as IFR charts and AIP sections for easy access, all you will need is to register an account for free. So let me open up that AIP GEN 3.4 and let’s get started! more »